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Rain and Inclement Weather Policy:

Temecula Valley Landscaping is committed to providing reliable and consistent service to our customers. 


However, we understand that circumstances beyond our control may affect our ability to deliver service as promised. One such circumstance is inclement weather, notably rain.


While we strive to provide service in all weather conditions, there may be times when it is not safe or practical to do so. 


Therefore, we have implemented the following policy regarding rain:

If rain is forecasted or occurs during a "regularly scheduled service," our team will assess the situation to determine whether providing the service is safe and feasible. Factors that will be considered include the severity of the rain, the type of service being provided, and the safety of our employees and equipment.


If our team determines that it is not safe or practical to provide the service due to rain in the "regularly scheduled service" rotation, we will forgo our service that week. Alternatively, if other arrangements have been made with our office, we will add you to our upcoming workflow.


If rain is forecasted or occurs during a "one-time service appointment," our team will assess the situation to determine whether providing the service is safe and feasible. Factors that will be considered include the severity of the rain, the type of service being provided, and the safety of our employees and equipment.


If our team determines that it is not safe or practical to provide the service due to rain in a "one-time service appointment," Our office will arrange a new date and time to accommodate the customer.


We understand that our customers rely on us to provide timely and effective service, and we take that responsibility seriously. However, we also prioritize the safety of our employees and the quality of our work. 


By implementing this policy regarding rain, we can ensure that our customers receive the best service possible while minimizing any risks or issues that may arise due to inclement weather.

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